Monday, June 18, 2012

Let's abolish the Federal Climate Change Department and good riddance to them

I think Australia would operate much better and more economically, by a few billion dollars, if the Federal Department of Climate Change was ABOLISHED and the Minister Combet fired so he could return to blend in with his hopeless Trade Union buddies.

We do need to monitor climate change since it does so change VERY slowly and has been doing so since the Earth began, some 4 1/2 billion years ago. I am happy to see this monitoring done by State Departments of CC with a maximum staff level of SIX each, and with Australia limiting overseas Conference CC staff attendance to about two persons per annum, NOT the glorified JUNKET that exists today which is costly hypocritical rip off of the taxpayer.

The Australian TaxPayers'Alliance under the Freedom of Information laws has obtained info on some of the Federal Dept of Climate Change expenditures (it cost $750 to do so!) The bureaucrats in the Dept. of Climate Change flew 6,528,616 kms last financial year, costing $3,274,286! This included flights to Thailand at $13,093 for two people and Chile $12,805. Some accommodation costs are $265,000 in Thailand, and $265,000 for the delegation in Durban. Next week we have a huge junket to Rio de Janeiro which is to celebrate 20 years on for the UN environmental movement.

My opinion is that the people involved in this taxpayer rip off would be better employed doing something useful for mankind, like picking up rubbish off our beaches, and providing clean drinking water to those poor souls around the world who don't have any. Allano

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